Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Oct 9, 2008

Rumor – External Blu-ray Player Coming To The 360

It seems that there are some rumors that just won’t die, no matter how much you want them to. Take Duke Nukem Forever for example. Rumors always crop up that the game is going to come out soon, despite the fact that we all know better. Another good one is that the 360 is going to get a Blu-ray player. While this isn’t completely out of the question, the rumor has come up too many times, with it being shot down by Microsoft for me to believe it. That being said, the latest news from the rumor mill indicates that there is an external Blu-ray drive in the works for the 360.

This time the rumor states that Toshiba-Samsung Storage Technology is under contract to manufacture an external Blu-ray drive for the Xbox 360. The rumor also indicates that the drive would cost somewhere between $100-$150. Take this rumor with the recommended dose of salt.


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