Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Oct 7, 2008

SOE To Have Console Releases For All Future MMOs

I’ve really only committed myself to two MMO’s, Star Wars Galaxies and World of Warcraft. I tested the waters with Everquest back in the day, but never really got into it. These of course are both PC titles, as are almost all MMO’s (EQ Online Adventures and FF XI being two of the only console MMOs) but Sony Online Entertainment it looking to change that. They’re so determined to make the console a viable MMO platform that they will have console releases for all future MMOs.

I’m the kind of gamer that tends to switch off between PC gaming and my various consoles, however, I wouldn’t dream of trying to play either of those games on a console. Frankly, there are too many macros, and too many commands for me to limit myself to a controller with only a handful of buttons. Then there’s that whole typing thing. Yes, I’m aware of the ability to connect a keyboard and mouse to your PS3, but my living room isn’t setup to comfortably play with those. Much can also be said about voice chat as well, but I still communicate a great deal via text.

Yes, I’ve made my case for why I wouldn’t play an MMO on a console, but I do applaud SOE for their efforts. Not everyone is a cross-platform gamer, and there’s no reason to leave console gamers behind in the MMO world.


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