Posted by Mike VanCleave on Apr 23, 2009

Review – Chinese Democracy Full Album (PS3)

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Last week Guns N’ Roses latest album “Chinese Democracy” hit the PSN.  After searching around I found there were a couple of tracks I liked and decided to pick up the album and see what it had going for it. Overall I am gonna say that I enjoyed this album and the guitar parts are challenging but still really fun to play.

The drums and bass also sound like quite a bit of fun and for the vocals, well…I am sure the true Axl Rose fans will appreciate his lyrical stylings. After playing through the album a couple of times on expert guitar I can say I feel pretty justified for my purchase.  There are a couple of tracks that will keep some poor person up for a few nights trying to get those 100% FCs. Here’s my favorite picks:

1. Better
2. There Was a Time
3. Riad n’ the Bedouins (There are parts in this where I am not sure whats going on!)
4. Sorry
5. If the World

Usually I make it a rule to stay away from albums that I can’t find at least 3 songs I really like.  The rest are good as well and there are a couple that could grow on me.  If you’re a die hard for those “IMPOSSIBLE” guitar songs like me then “Better”,”There Was a Time”, and “Riad n’ the Bedouins” are hard to pass up. I would highly suggest at least checking out those three.

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