Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Apr 27, 2009

Gamerscore And Achievement Limits Revealed For 360

Have you ever wondered what rules Microsoft has laid down on the achievements allowed in each game? Apparently there is a structured system, though they don’t like to talk about it much. Apparently back in 2007 Microsoft stated that the maximum Gamerscore per title was 1250, which has been broken on several occasions. Thankfully unnamed sources on the inside have spilled the beans on their new revised allowances. They are as follows:

• A maximum of 1750 points and 80 Achievements for a full retail title. The Orange Box’s 99 achievements seem to be grandfathered in, although it’s an open question if they’ll be allowed to add more achievements should a Team Fortress 2 update come to Xbox 360.

•A quarterly maximum of 250 points and 10 Achievements for any additional DLC associated with that title. Additionally, these totals are cumulative, so a company could wait three quarters to do a large expansion with 30 achievements and 350 points, or parcel them out in smaller additions. X360A says its source explained the rule is meant “to stop companies from releasing a whole slew of content immediately after a game’s release to hit its 1750 max right away.”

It is nice to know that Microsoft does keep an eye on just how many points are alloted per game. Now if only there were some kind of system that measured how easy the achievements were to unlock and how many points are awarded per achievement. (I’m looking at you Avatar: The Burning Earth.)


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