One of the most annoying issues with the last release in the Call of Duty series with Modern Warfare 2 was that players went to mod heaven, making the game unbearable to some players. A lot of damage was done to the series when this occurred to the game’s online community. Seeking to undo a lot of this damage, Treyarch has announced that there will be mod tools this time around.
Honestly we have no clue what this means, as nothing more has been revealed on the matter. We don’t know how they work, we don’t know when they will be out. Treyarch says that they are too busy finishing up the game right now to touch further on the matter, however they do want us to feel safe in their hands with this new title.
At least we know that these mod tools are coming, and should be out by the time that the game releases in November.
Treyarch did announce, though, that there will be a dev console in the PC version of the game allowing for some cheats and minor tweaking come release day.
This, alongside the pledge for an improved server system makes Treyarch seem like they are certainly taking the time to put responsibility in their hands when it comes to repairing burnt bridges in the PC gaming world.
This certainly raises hopes for the COD franchise, and we look forward to see what happens with this title’s release this Fall.