Posted by Raine Hutchens on Oct 14, 2010

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Demo Review

Now I don’t normally review game demos, but after playing the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 demo more, I just had to give my opinion on it.

I played through the demo and was blown away, literally. Starkiller looked at me, and Force Pushed me off the couch and through the kitchen wall. The new game incorporates new techniques, powers, and abilities that made my head spin.

A whole new gaming element is shown in the first level of the game. We see Starkiller burst through a window, and a falling sequence ensues. I was in control of Starkiller, and the goal was to use the Force Push ability to destroy obstacles in his way in order for him to land safely at the bottom. The controls were smooth, and created very much a “ooh, ah” feeling.

One of the most interesting and cool abilities was the “Mind Control” ability. During a part of the level, Starkiller comes upon a Stormtrooper guarding a hallway. Using the Mind Control power, Starkiller convinces and forces the Stormtrooper to literally throw himself out of a window to his death.

The gameplay makes Starkiller a more believable character as well. All while he is struggling to fend off troops, he is yelling to them, “I am warning you! I don’t want to do this! Just leave me alone!” The dialogue really shows the pain that Starkiller is going through.

I really urge you, go download the demo. Play the life out of it, and don’t put it down until The Force Unleashed 2 hits on October 26th.

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