On December 14th this year it will be time to get your friends, your family, and your neighbors together to follow Sackboy in an all new adventure on the PS3 when Sackboy’s Prehistoric Moves hits the console. The new title is a multiplayer-only game that requires one Playstation Move wand and up to three DualShock 3 controllers.
One player will use the Move to clear a path by blasting crates, flicking switches, and triggering platforms while the other three players make their way through ten prehistoric-themed levels platforming-style. The title pretty much says it all: Sackboy, prehistoric levels, and the Move.
Playstation Plus users will be able to see the game as early as December 7th for free – as will an unspecified few members of the “LBP supporters” group. Of course the game will be released to those of the general Playstation Network one week later for the sweet price of $6, so hold on to that early Christmas money folks.
The game will also be on the debut disc for LittleBigPlanet2 when it launches on January 18th.