For the longest time there has been talk of creating a gaming icon modeled after the likeness of Mount Rushmore, only with video game characters instead of presidents. Finally this very idea has been set into motion and it has come out looking good.
Using the popular PC creation game, Minecraft, the above “Mount Gamemore” has been constructed. Some fellows over at Kotaku contacted the game’s developer, Markus Persson, and sent a recruitment request out via Twitter. Before too long, an avid Minecraft player took the weight on his shoulders to build this epic monument.
Damien Benoit rose up to the challenge, collected a team, and started building. Benoit and his team set up through three different attempts to construct a mountain block by block, and this they finally achieved.
The mountain is a free-standing structure on Benoit’s Minecraft server and it is comprised of over 2500 blocks – and that’s just the face. Instead of having the presidents that we’ve all come to know on this iconic structure, they have been replaced with the faces of John Marston, Mario, an angry bird, and the Minecraft guy.
Benoit has done a great job with this project, and he plans to continue it by building an entire town surrounding the mountain. He confirms that there already exists a McDonald’s, library, hockey rink, and Starbucks, all with more to come.
Check out the mountain up close and personal in the video below, and keep up to date with the project on the 337 Studios Minecraft Blog.