Posted by Caitlyn Muncy on Nov 29, 2011

Eye Asteroids

I’m sure most everyone has gotten to that god-like state of gaming in which you don’t even have to touch the controller and destroy all the competition at least once or twice. For those select few who haven’t gotten to that point yet, you may be interested in hearing about the new eye-controlled games that are cropping up. You can start off with the snazzed up version of everyone’s eighties favorite: Asteroids.

While you are no longer playing a triangle hell-bent on destroying every atom of the accursed oblong shapes, the game still holds it’s old-timey wonder. In this version, you play as a planet, and use lasers to destroy an onslaught of comets hurtling at you. The only difference between the old and new is that you no longer have to use your hands for this updated version. All you need to is look at your target, and consider them annihilated.

If you’re wondering on how to get a hold of such a game, you can buy an arcade cabinet version with the fancy eye-tracking from Tobii for about $15,000. This is either going to open new avenues in the world of gaming, or fizzle out and not be spoken of for another year. I’m hoping for the former.


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