Posted by Raine Hutchens on Dec 30, 2011

Summon Your Own Army Of Children With This Skyrim Mod (NSFW)

So you’ve got yourself a copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have you? You’ve got epic level smithing and still can’t bring down a couple of nasty giants? Are they bullying you? Well don’t sit in fear any longer! A brand new mod is here for the PC version of the game and it lets you summon the most powerful army of minions to your side in battle – children.

That’s right folks, a new mod out for the PC version of Skyrim lets you summon a massive army of dagger-wielding children to your side to fight for your honor. They will attack the ankles of any who stand in your path, and they’re perfect for taking out those giant bullies!

Youtube user Robbaz, who calls himself the “viking of Sveden,” posted the below video on his channel, showing us all how this mod works. I’ll warn you, he’s not one with the cleanest of mouths, so there is some NSFW language in the video. I found it hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing myself. So far there isn’t anywhere I can see to download the mod, so you’ll have to stick with the video for now.


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