Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Jan 10, 2012

Microsoft Announces Kinect For Windows

When it comes to Kinect, it seems like there are three groups. First, you have the group that enjoys casual games like Kinectimals. Then, there is the group that has hacked it to work on the PC, and uses it for a variety of purposes. Finally, you have the people that just don’t care. Most people I know fall into the last category. Of course, that’s not going to stop Microsoft from putting all of their weight behind the product.

The company has recently announced that they will be making the Kinect available on the PC starting February 1st. If you’re a bit confused, don’t worry, you’re in good company. It’s already been proven time and again that the currently available hardware works just fine on a PC. So why the new branding? We’re not sure. At least it’ll be the same price, right?

In a strange move, Microsoft has announced that the Kinect for Windows will retail for a whopping $250. Yes, that’s $100 more than the Xbox version is currently selling for. What we don’t know is why it costs so much extra. But what I really want to know is who they expect to buy this. The people who care about using motion controls with their PC likely already have one, and you’re going to be hard-pressed to convince those that don’t to shell out an extra $100 for the “Windows” version. As of now, there has been no word on any hardware changes between the two models, so my only guess is that you’re paying a premium for software, which would simply be ridiculous.


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