When it comes to video game weapons, while some will recognize the Halo assault rifle, Kratos’ chained blades, or Link’s Master Sword as some of the pieces of iconic weaponry, one special item has stood out for me throughout my gaming career. In the third installment of the Resident Evil series, a special customized handgun made an appearance. It was a Beretta M92F, and it was officially called the Samurai Edge.
A fan of the series, known on Youtube as XghunterX, decided to grab a Beretta for himself and turn it into his own working Samurai Edge. The gun has authentic markings, wooden trim on the handle, and even a S.T.A.R.S. emblem stuck right where it should be. As proof of his modification skills, XghunterX uploaded a video of himself testing out the weapon, which you can see below.
For GenCon 2011 I went as a S.T.A.R.S. officer and modified an airsoft Beretta to suit the costume. Though I’m proud of it, this new mod is beyond my expertise. It’s definitely a great creation, and I’m sure XghunterX is proud. Check out the video below, and if you’re a member of the undead, you’d better stay on your decaying toes.