Many of you know of Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time, and how much pure insanity goes into making their meals. But what happens when they try their hands at making a Warhammer 40k model?
A festival for gamers in Northern Sweden called Nordsken recently released a video that answers that very question. I don’t want to give too much away, but the results are violent, as is to be expected. The Orks would definitely be proud of his work, though!
Nordsken is planning on running from March 2nd to the 4th, and will have 400 seats for PC gamers, and space for 200 tabletop/board game/card game players. Though it’s in Sweden, and the primary language spoken there will probably be Swedish, it looks like it could be a lot of fun for people up there. If you’re interested in attending, you can check out their website for the event at the source button on the bottom of the page!