A few days ago, Kaz Hirai was made Sony’s new president and CEO, taking the place of Howard Stringer. He wasted no time in letting everyone know that changes on the horizon that will hopefully save Sony from it’s almost two decades of lows. The official takeover will happen in April, but no time will be wasted twiddling thumbs from the looks of this interview with the Wall Street Journal. (check out the video below)
There are going to be some serious goal changes for Sony, and it’s about time. Especially since they saw a 2 billion dollar loss in the game division a few years back. You know the business model needs to change when you see that you’re a couple billion in the hole. Hirai knows that waiting for things to get better isn’t going to do anyone any good, so he’s going to be moving things around until they improve. In a previous interview he had stated, “I thought turning around the PlayStation business was going to be the toughest challenge of my career, but I guess not.” If he can make Sony better for all of us, then more power to him.
It seems as though not everyone is being a team player, and Hirai intends to change that immediately. Not in the sense of laying anyone off, just trying to get core groups together so that decisions can be made quickly, efficiently, and with everyone’s best interest in mind. The naysayers are likely going to change their minds though, as Hirai stated in his interview:
“I think one of the fundamental things that we need to change at Sony is to become a company that provides a very unique and compelling user experience as opposed to just a company that provides great hardware products. We really need to buckle down and be realistic. I don’t think everybody is on board, but I think people are coming around to the idea that if we don’t turn this around, we could be sitting in some serious trouble.”
For the full interview, go here.