Posted by Chuck Corbin on Apr 11, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Resurgence Pack Released

Good news and not-so-good news for Mass Effect 3 fans! The good news is that some new DLC has come out for the game, and it’s free! The not-so-good news? It’s definitely not the Extended Cut DLC, and in fact, it has nothing to do with the single-player at all (unless you’re counting the Galactic Readiness scale)

Instead, what EA released was the Resurgence Pack. Included in the DLC are two new maps, six new operatives featuring the Asari, Batarian, Krogan, and Geth races, and tons of new weapons. So, not a bad little DLC pack, really!

The DLC pack is supposed to be free, however it appeared that yesterday there was an issue on Xbox Live where people who were trying to download the DLC were being told that it would cost them 320 MS Points. BioWare has come out and said, though, that this was uploaded in error, and that they are working on getting that issue fixed. Hopefully, by the time you read this article, BioWare will have fixed the problem and all of you Xbox 360 owners will be able to download the DLC free of charge, as it’s intended to be.


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