As mice have evolved, especially those designed for gaming, manufacturers have been finding new ways to ensure that the shape of the mouse fits your hand perfectly. Specifically, your right hand. Companies like Steelseries go out of their way to make ambidextrous mice that are still ergonomic, but don’t leave southpaws out in the cold. So what about the other mice that are clearly designed for righties? Well, last month Razer issued a challenge: Find 10,000 people that support a left-handed Naga, and they’ll make it.
Yesterday the image they posted surpassed the necessary “likes”, and currently has over 11,500. The challenge was set to last for an entire month, but the gaming community needed less than two weeks to tell the company that they want another southpaw mouse.
Don’t expect to head to the Razer site and order your very own left-handed Naga today. In fact, the company has stated that it will likely take more than a year to get the new mouse into the (left) hands of customers. Regardless, it’s great to see a company that’s willing to listen to the needs of gamers, and design a product especially for a minority. What makes it even more amazing is that Razer actually loses money on each left-handed DeathAdder that they sell, and they’re still willing to commit their resources to this.