Posted by Chris Scott Barr on May 11, 2012

LEGO Lord Of The Rings Games Get Outed

Many of us grew up playing with LEGOs, and even though we might not go out and buy new bricks to add to our collection, we can still enjoy them. Thanks to the people over at Traveler’s Tales, we have been able to explore the worlds of Star Wars, Batman, Indiana Jones and others. Now it seems that we will be traveling to Middle-Earth to dispose of a very special ring.

Thanks to some early packaging for the forthcoming LEGO Lord of the Rings sets, it has been confirmed that Traveler’s Tales is indeed working on similarly-themed games. Other than the appearance of the company’s logos, we really don’t know much else regarding the games.

Given the depth of the movies, we can only imagine that the games will be split up into three parts (maybe five, if they do The Hobbit). Since the games are based on the movie adaptations, I’m hoping that Traveler’s Tales will work in a few bits from the books that we didn’t see on the silver screen. We likely won’t know many details until E3 next month. We’ll keep you posted while we’re there.


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