If you’re a PC gamer and you haven’t played Borderlands, you don’t have a lot of excuses at this point. Maybe your hardware won’t run it, or perhaps you just loath FPS games. Those are perfectly acceptable reasons. However, if you just haven’t had the money, or aren’t sure that it’s your kind of game, that’s just crazy talk. Go play the game right now.
What’s that, you’re flat broke? It doesn’t matter. Steam is currently running a free Borderlands weekend, and it runs until 1pm PST on Sunday. If you like what you see, then you’ve got until the end of the weekend to pick the game up for dirt cheap.
If you’re wanting to play solo, then you can grab the GotY edition for just $7.49. Want to play with some friends? Then pick up a 4-pack for $22.49 and kick some ass together. That’s less than $6 per copy, which is a steal.