After more than a month of waiting, with virtually no updates, Bethesda has finally announced the availability of Dawnguard on the PC. In addition, you can head over to Steam and pick up Skyrim for 50% off, thanks to the Quakecon sale. Then, pick up Dawnguard for $20.
As for the PS3 version, it would seem that there is a bit of a delay. No, not because Microsoft or anyone else paid them not to publish the DLC. Rather, they’re still working out some kinks with the content. Specifically, they have encountered some performance issues that they’re not happy with, and are pushing back the release. No word was given on how long the delay will be.
Personally, I’m happy to hear that they delayed the PS3 release, rather than rushing out something that they would just have to patch in a few days. Let’s just hope that they get everything sorted out before too long.