Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Dec 7, 2012

Download All Dragon Age Promo Items For Free, Courtesy Of Bioware

It’s been a growing trend over the last several years for companies to bribe gamers with special pre-order bonuses. Unfortunately, this leads to an issue where you want some of the things offered at two different stores, but have no way to get them, short of buying the game twice. In some cases, you’ll never have access to those special skins or items. Well, Bioware has decided that it’s high time you got all of those special items, at least for a couple of their games.

Right now, if you head over to the Bioware site and login, you’ll be able to get every piece of bonus DLC for both Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2. Bear in mind, these are only special items that were available through a variety of promotions. This does not include DLC content packs. There are, however, over 50 items that you receive for free, just for logging in with your Bioware or Origin account.

For those of you wondering, you don’t actually have to own either of the games to get this free content. It will simply be added to your account, for you to use whenever you do happen to purchase and download the game. You can pick up the content on any of the platforms that you choose, as well. Just click the link below, and select your platform.


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