I think it’s safe to say that Duke Nukem Forever was a major letdown to most people. But that’s no reason to turn your back on one of the greatest heroes of our time. There was a time where the Duke really was The King. If you’re too young to remember these days, then now is a great time to go relive one of the dirtiest shooters of the 90’s.
If you head over to GOG.com, you’ll find Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, for free. That’s right, instead of dropping a wad of cash on a brand spankin’ new game this holiday, you can kick and chew bubblegum, without paying a dime.
If you do feel like spending a little bit of cash, GOG is having a DRM-free Holiday Sale. There are currently 474 games on sale, with titles such as Fallout, Neverwinter Nights, and Earthworm Jim up for grabs at 50% off, with others having even deeper discounts. It’s definitely a good time to stock up on some great classic games.