Posted by Marianne Miller on Feb 21, 2013

Braid’s Creator Announces “The Witness” As A PS4 Exclusive

During Sony’s 2-hour press conference today, Jonathan Blow (creator of the retro-looking platformer “Braid”) revealed that his game “The Witness” — first revealed at Penny Arcade Expo 2010 — would be briefly exclusive on the Playstation 4, which had also just been announced.

The game is set on an island and requires the player to search for audio logs to narrate the story while solving different mazes scattered throughout the island on computer screens.  Blow mentioned at the conference that it was a “game about epiphany”, that the island was an open world and would take approximately 25 hours to complete.

A trailer was shown at the event, displaying a handful of puzzles and hinting at mechanics, as well as showing the versatility of the landscape.  Scroll down past my mug to take a look at the video featured at Sony’s event.

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