Blizzard’s Tournament, WCS, has been plagued with problems. For those not in the know, WCS is a giant StarCraft tournament, or rather trio of tournaments open worldwide, more or less based in NA, EU, and Asia. Each tournament is open to anyone in the world, but you can only enter one. Total Biscuit has a very in-depth video detailing all of the problems so far with the North American tourney, but for those of you who don’t want to spend 30 minutes listening to his sexy accent, I’ll break it down for you. Ready? Let’sa go!
Aside from all of these problems, Blizzard’s sluggish response to everything and their lack of organization and support for the tournament altogether just seemed to exacerbate everything. I can’t say I’m personally a huge fan of StarCraft, or RTS games that aren’t Brütal Legend, but I do find it fascinating when something so huge gets handled so poorly. Let us know what you think in the comments, what could Blizzard done better to prevent these kinds of problems from happening?