In March it was revealed that David Hayter, the voice of Big Boss and Solid Snake in previous Metal Gear Solid games, would not be coming back to voice the iconic character. Many fans were of course disappointed at the news. After all, who could they get to replace him?
It turns out that Hayter’s replacement is none other than Kiefer Sutherland. In a pre-E3 livestream Konami revealed that they’re using the man many know as “Jack Bauer” to voice Naked Snake, aka Big Boss. According to MGS‘s creator Hideo Kojima they were wanting to go for somebody a bit older, in their late 40’s as Big Boss would be 49 at this time. Kiefer Sutherland fit the bill.
It’s not too surprising to see that Kiefer Sutherland is playing the role of Snake. After all, in March when the first trailers came out you could hear a very Kiefer Sutherland-type of voice from one of the other characters, Ishmael. It’s not known if Sutherland will be voicing Ishmael as well, or if having him voice Ishmael was just a hint of what was to come. To hear all about what Kojima has to say about MGS 5, you can check out the embeded video of the Konami’s pre-E3 presentation. At around the 10 minute mark will you start to hear about MGS 5.