Watch_Dogs is looking like it’ll be one of the best games of the year. In it, you’re a man named Aiden Pearce who’s acting as a vigilante, hacking into Chicago’s CtOS system to stop crime and presumably to uncover some sort of local government corruption/conspiracy. It was one of the first games I pre-ordered for my PS4, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Yesterday Ubisoft released a 14 minute gameplay demo of Watch_Dogs, and while it shows many of the same gameplay elements we’ve seen in the past. The difference this time, however, is that the video shows how exactly they all fit together. You can check out the video down below.
It still looks pretty awesome, that’s for sure. Something I haven’t seen before is how you can track the person you tried hacking before. By going to a view of the city, you can do a search with the targeting reticule and it’ll find the person who tried hacking you. It’s also, presumably, how you’ll find targets in the multiplayer in the first place. Watch_Dogs is due to be released November 15th for the PS4, November 22nd for the Xbox One, and November 19th on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and the PC.