Despite the fact that for many people the main draw to the Call of Duty games is the multiplayer, the single player campaign mode still has a big place in the game. Ghosts is no different, and in the trailer for the single player campaign you almost get a feeling that things might be different from the usual Infinity Ward CoD fare. Still, I’d by lying if I said that I didn’t think the trailer was a little silly, as it shows a gunfight by various astronauts.
What the trailer reveals is that the good ol’ U. S. of A. has been attacked with its own satellite weapons and as a result, someone from “south of the equator” has invaded the country. These “ghosts” are the remnants of various US special ops forces that have banded together and are intent on taking out the invaders, and are willing to sacrifice everything for it. It certainly looks action-packed!
And yes, the dog is even in the trailer. At one point, it shows him grabbing hold of an enemy in a helicopter, causing the helicopter to spin out of control. My guess is that the dog survives, or if he dies here then the person he’s latching on to is the main bad guy or something. Only time will tell.