You have to admit, despite the security concerns of putting camera in your living room that’s always watching, always waiting to hear a command from you, the Kinect is an impressive piece of hardware. After all, it’s able to differentiate between different people, and can remember who is who to boot, and it’s also able to recognize voice commands as well. Unfortunately, so can the PS4’s Camera.
Yes, that’s right, Sony confirmed over the weekend that the PS4’s Camera can do anything the Kinect can do, when it was revealed at the GameStop Expo 2013 in Las Vegas that the Camera will feature both navigational voice commands as well as facial recognition. Sony confirmed the capabilities with Polygon, saying that the “…PlayStation Camera allows for voice recognition and we will look forward to sharing more details in the lead up to the launch of PlayStation 4 on November 29.” I can’t say that these features are a surprise, considering how Kinect-like the PlayStation Camera looked like in the first place.
However, if you were hoping for some Kinect-like functionality, but at a cheaper price than the Xbox One then you might just want to get a PS4 with the Camera. That’s because the Camera costs only $60 on top of the PS4’s $399, so you’d still be saving a good $40 over the Xbox One. That being said, if you’re one of the few people really excited about using this kind of technology, you might just end up being better off and getting the Xbox One anyway, since each console will come with a Kinect, ensuring that developers will be more willing to make use of the system.