 Currently Browsing: Announcements

Nintendo Unveils A Link Between Worlds 3DS XL

Nintendo Unveils A Link Between Worlds 3DS XL While Nintendo might be struggling a little bit in selling Wii U’s, they’ve certainly had no problems in pushing 3DS and 3DS XL’s out the door recently! It’s only going to sell even better as Nintendo has revealed a special limited editionLegend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3DS XL...
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Watch Dogs Delayed To Spring 2014

Watch Dogs Delayed To Spring 2014 When Watch Dogs was first announced back at E3 2012, the gaming world stood up and took notice. After all, it was quite a bit different than anything we have seen before, and needless to say everybody was excited. It was supposed to be a release-day title for the Xbox One and PS4, but unfortunately things...
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New PS Vita Now Uses Micro USB Charging Cable

New PS Vita Now Uses Micro USB Charging Cable When it comes various handheld devices you usually find that you end up with a bunch of different chargers. You’ve got your cell phone charger, your iPod charger, and your charger for your handheld gaming machines. It really gets to be a bother having to switch out chargers time and time...
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Valve Shows Off Their New Controller

Valve Shows Off Their New Controller Last month Valve made a few big announcements. First, they showed off their new Linux-based SteamOS, and after that they formally announced that they were designing the Steam Machine in order to bring Steam into the living room. Perhaps their most ambitious idea that they announced was their new Steam...
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AMD Will Be Coming To Steam Machines, Says Valve

AMD Will Be Coming To Steam Machines, Says Valve When Valve unveiled their specs for their beta Steam Machines, it’s easy to see just how powerful they are. After all, these particular computers contained anything up to an i7 processor as well as an Nvidia Titan GPU! But there has been a noticeable absence from these prototype machines: none of them...
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GameStop Slashing Uses PS3 and Xbox 360 Prices!

GameStop Slashing Uses PS3 and Xbox 360 Prices! Next month the PS4 and the Xbox One will be released, and both will likely be the big ticket item of the holiday season. Their predecessors still have a lot of life left in them, and if you’re thinking about picking up the console you didn’t get back in the day now is the time to do it! GameStop...
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Wii U Won’t Be Getting Any Assassin’s Creed IV DLC

Wii U Won’t Be Getting Any Assassin’s Creed IV DLC Well this is a familiar narrative! Ubisoft has confirmed that the Wii U version of Assassin’s Creed IVwill not be receiving any DLC whatsoever. Keep in mind that the Wii U version isn’t getting any sort of price reduction. Ubisoft had revealed earlier in the week that ACIV was going to be...
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Why Sony Didn’t Bundle The Eye With The PS4

Why Sony Didn’t Bundle The Eye With The PS4 The Xbox One certainly has its problems, but one of its biggest weaknesses is the fact that it’s $100 more expensive. The fact is, the Xbox One and PS4 both have similar hardware, with the biggest different being the fact that the Xbox One comes with a Kinect in every box. But believe it or not, Sony...
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