 Currently Browsing: Bethesda

RAGE DLC ‘The Scorchers’ Drops Next week

RAGE DLC ‘The Scorchers’ Drops Next week When Rage first came out, it was met with some criticism  mostly on the PC, as there were a lot of video issues. However, I rather enjoyed my copy on the 360. If you also enjoyed the game, and have been itching for a reason to play it again, you’ll be happy to know that there is new content on the...
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Skrim’s ‘Dragonborn’ DLC Confirmed For PS3 and PC Next Year

Skrim’s ‘Dragonborn’ DLC Confirmed For PS3 and PC Next Year It’s not been the greatest year for Bethesda in terms of DLC for Skyrim. Of course they’ve not had any issues with Xbox 360, and even on PC the DLC has been running alright, but when it comes to the PS3 it’s just been bad news. PS3 owners have been lying in a long wait for DLC to arrive for them, and...
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Trophy Listing Suggests New DLC For RAGE

Trophy Listing Suggests New DLC For RAGE A while back id Software worked on a new poast-apocalyptic shooter called RAGE, and while it was hit and miss with the community I enjoyed it. I still play the game on occasion now, even a year after its release. With some news that came by way of PS3Trophies.org, it looks like the game will have some new...
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Dishonored Performed Above Sales Expectations, Expect Sequels

Dishonored Performed Above Sales Expectations, Expect Sequels In these economic times, originality is often considered a luxury, one that a company can usually ill-afford. Think about it: what are some of the most popular games to come out in the last year or so? You’ve got Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (or is it 4? They all look the same to me), Battlefield 3,...
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Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials DLC To Be Released December 11th

Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials DLC To Be Released December 11th Looking to get a little more out of Dishonored? You’re in luck, because it was just announced that the new DLC Dunwall City Trials will be released on December 11th! The cost will be $5, or 400 MSP if you’re on the Xbox 360. The DLC include 10 new challenge maps, designed to test your combat,...
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Dishonored ‘Dunwall City Trials’ DLC Release Date Announced

Dishonored ‘Dunwall City Trials’ DLC Release Date Announced The first set of downloadable content for Dishonored, called “Dunwall City Trials,” will be releasing on December 11th according to Arkane. It will be available for 400 Microsoft Points/$5, and will release worldwide on the same day. Finally, the DLC will be available on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, releasing...
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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC ‘Close’ For The PS3

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC ‘Close’ For The PS3 According to Bethesda, the Skyrim DLC that many have been missing out on is “close” to arriving for the PS3. On the developers’ official Twitter account they posted a tweet stating, “…we’re also close on new Skyrim content for PS3 and PC.” Of course this news is referring to the exclusivity...
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Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay Footage and Details Arrive

Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay Footage and Details Arrive There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding the new Elder Scrolls Online MMO from Bethesda and Zenimax. It’s promised to bring us all the great content of an Elder Scrolls game but with online support and scale that we see in great MMO titles. There have been a lot of people on the fence about the game,...
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