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The easiest 1000 achievement points you’ll ever earn

The easiest 1000 achievement points you’ll ever earn Do you ever look at someone’s Xbox Live profile and wonder how they ever got so many points? Yes, a lot of people have worked hard to unlock the various achievements in a variety of games. Others however, have simply played Avatar: The Legend of Aang: Burning Earth. Hit the jump and you’ll see...
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Exclusive interview answers your burning Rock Band questions

Exclusive interview answers your burning Rock Band questions Rock Band launches in a matter of hours, and there are still some burning questions that everyone wants answered. Apathy and I had a unique opportunity to sit down with John Drake from Harmonix and ask a few of these. You’ll need to hit the jump for the full transcript. GF: Will all band members...
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SimCity Societies makes an attempt to go green

SimCity Societies makes an attempt to go green I am actually not a huge SimCity fan, it has never really sparked my interest. I do quite a bit of gaming, but I just never got the urge to play SimCity. However, I have to admit SimCity incoorperating a few green aspects instantly caught my attention. First wondering how on earth a video game was going...
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Assassin’s Creed for PS3 plagued by bugs

Assassin’s Creed for PS3 plagued by bugs If you picked up a copy of Assassin’s Creed for the PS3, you have my sincere condolences. Users all over the interweb have been describing a variety of issues with the game ranging from screen tearing, to low framerates and even freezing up completely. These are issues one might expect to encounter on...
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Super Mario Galaxy is now the greatest game of all time

Super Mario Galaxy is now the greatest game of all time I’ve long said that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is by far one of the best games of all time. I’m not the only one that shares that opinion, since it has long held the #1 position on Game Rankings. If you’re not familiar with the site, they take the scores from various review sites...
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Who you gonna call?

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters. Now that’s a name that will take you back a few decades. I loved the movies when I was a kid, even if I wasn’t quite born when the first one came out. Nevertheless, I’ve enjoyed the movies, and longed for another sequel. While we’ve long heard rumors of Ghostbusters In...
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