 Currently Browsing: Humor

[Hipster Reviews] Hoard (PC)

[Hipster Reviews] Hoard (PC) All of the mainstream gamers play things that have you killing dragons by the dozen to protect little villages that will one day overpopulate the Earth. Well what about the dragons? Why don’t we take their feelings into account for a change? Here is a game you’ve likely never heard of called...
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Angry Birds Space

Angry Birds Space The ever-popular Angry Birds was bound to come out with more of its bird-flinging adventures at some point. Of course, any and every commercial for the game is certain to be hilarious. Especially if they used official NASA footage for it. It will be called Angry Birds Space, and you might be able to imagine...
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How To Build Warhammer 40k Models: Swedish Style!

How To Build Warhammer 40k Models: Swedish Style!   Many of you know of Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time, and how much pure insanity goes into making their meals. But what happens when they try their hands at making a Warhammer 40k model? A festival for gamers in Northern Sweden called Nordsken recently released a video that answers that very...
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GoldenEye Fan Video Reminds Us Just How Annoying Natalya Was

GoldenEye Fan Video Reminds Us Just How Annoying Natalya Was Ask anyone that grew up playing games in the 90’s what their favorite shooter from that decade was. There’s a good chance that you’ll hear GoldenEye. Yes, Doom and Quake were great, and Duke Nukem was still a franchise to be loved, but there was something special about this James Bond...
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Two-Player QWOP: Now Available For All Your Silly Walk Needs

Two-Player QWOP: Now Available For All Your Silly Walk Needs Physical humor is the tried-and-true staple of comedy, but generally game developers attempt to reduce the clumsiness of their subjects to create a smoother, more realistic experience for the average gamer. While grace has its virtues, there is something utterly delightful about flailing your character...
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DoubleFine KickStarter Over-Exceeds Expectations

DoubleFine KickStarter Over-Exceeds Expectations Just the other day, DoubleFine announced that it wanted to go back to its roots of adventure games. There are so many adventure games out there already though, that finding a publisher was going to be somewhat annoying. Seeing as they wanted to cut out the middleman, they instead turned to...
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Skyrim Valentine’s Day Cards Would Melt The Heart Of A Daedric Prince

Skyrim Valentine’s Day Cards Would Melt The Heart Of A Daedric Prince Valentine’s Day is a week away. If you’re someone with a significant other who loves gaming just as much as you, then hold onto them. This is one of those times where you’re given an opportunity to express just how much they mean to you. Don’t screw it up. I won’t pretend to...
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Angry Birds Are Invading Your Home

Angry Birds Are Invading Your Home Just when you thought that angry birds couldn’t get any bigger. There is now a physical version of the game to spend more of your life on. Yes, I’m talking about actual pieces that children can choke on if they’re not monitored. I thought the park in China that had a giant version of Angry...
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