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Fable Anniversary: Review Fable Anniversary: Rev... rating
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Review Middle Earth: Shadow o... rating
Review : Beat Hazard Ultra Review : Beat Hazard U... rating
Review – Sony PS4 Sony PS4 rating

PS4 To Support Voice Commands And Fa...

PS4 To Support Voice Commands And Facial Recognition With PS Camera You have to admit, despite the security concerns of putting camera in your living room that’s always watching, always waiting to hear a command from you, the Kinect is an impressive piece of hardware. After all, it’s able to differentiate between different people, and can remember who is who to boot, and it’s also able to recognize voice...
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GTA V Official Trailer Launched, And...

GTA V Official Trailer Launched, And $20 In Credit When You Pre-Order Through Microsoft Excited for Grand Theft Auto V? Well, we’ve got a couple of reasons for you to ramp up that excitement level to 11. First, take a look at the official trailer below. Sure, we’ve seen a few different trailers along the way, but this is the “official” launch trailer. Now, I’m sure you’re ready to go to your favorite retailer and throw...
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SimCity For Mac Owners Report Seriou...

SimCity For Mac Owners Report Serious Issues At Launch If I said that the launch of SimCity back in spring was a bit rocky, that would probably be the understatement of the year. Even if you overlook the fact that EA and Maxis lied about the reason why the game needed a constant internet connection, there were thousands of people who experienced a variety of issues for months after the game’s launch. Now...
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Wii U Wind Waker Bundle Announced, A...

Wii U Wind Waker Bundle Announced, Along With Wii U Price Cut So, let’s be honest, the Wii U hasn’t exactly been flying off the shelves. While there’s no single cause to the system’s lackluster adoption rate, fact is if Nintendo continues to do nothing then the Wii U is going to utterly fail. Well, Nintendo doesn’t want that to happen, so doing something about it they are. Nintendo announced...
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Nintendo Unveils Latest 3DS Model...

Nintendo Unveils Latest 3DS Model… The 2DS Nintendo is no stranger to coming out with different versions of its handhelds. For starters, there was the Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, and the Game Boy Color. With the DS, you had the original, the DS Lite, and eventually the DSi. The 3DS is no stranger either, as there is an original and the XL version, with bigger screens at a bigger price. If you’re a...
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EA Takes Out Medal Of Honor From Rot...

EA Takes Out Medal Of Honor From Rotation, Replaces It With Battlefront, Titanfall As much as we moan and whine, fact is that franchises rule the gaming world. After all, every year there seems to be another Call of Duty, another Assassin’s Creed, another Madden, and those games sell like hotcakes. One of EA’s big franchises, Medal of Honor, won’t be getting that treatment anymore however due to its poor performance in the...
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