Posted by Eric Barr on Sep 30, 2008

Review – Rock Band 2 (Xbox 360)

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Rock Band has become something of a centerpiece among my core group of friends, it’s an excellent game with a continuous stream of new songs to choose from. There is something to be said about grown men rocking out on plastic instruments; awesome.

While not much has changed with the core mechanics of the game, 1-4 players on guitar, bass, vocals or drums, there have been many enhancements that are welcome. First on most everyone’s list is online world tour mode, no longer are players forced to wait for those rare occasions they can meet up in the “real” world. While many were disappointed that this feature was missing from the first game, it looks like Harmonix decision to hold off and invest in a proper online world tour mode has paid off.

If you’re like me you’ve already invested a good amount of time and money into the original game and downloadable tracks. Something I’ve disliked about purchasing a new Guitar Hero every year has been the fact that none of the tracks have carried over (this looks to be changing with the next Guitar Hero however), thankfully the kind folks over at Harmonix have taken this point into consideration from the start by creating a platform that allows the transfer of (almost) all songs from the original game over to Rock Band 2. While it is an extra 400 Microsoft points it’s well worth the purchase.

If you still haven’t mastered the drums, or are wanting to rock a real-life set, then you’ll dig the new training mode. If you’ve got one of the new kits with the extra cymbal attachments, you’ll be able to hop into the drum training mode and work on transitioning from plastic-rock, to real rock.

Whether you’re already a fan of Rock Band or are new to the plastic rock arena, Rock Band 2 is well worth adding to your collection. We should have the new instruments in soon and once they’ve been put to the test we’ll have our thoughts and opinions up for review.

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