Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Sep 19, 2008

Speed Up Your AMD Gaming Rig With Fusion

AMD Fusion

One of the issues with PC gaming is making sure that your computer is fast enough to run the latest and greatest titles. Unfortunately some people can have great hardware, only to find that thing still don’t run as quickly as they should. This is generally due to the fact that they have a ton of processes running that don’t need to be. Sure, those that know what they are doing make sure that only the necessities are running, however, not everyone knows what to turn off. Well today AMD announced something that should help such people.

AMD Fusion is a cool utility for your PC that shuts off all of those annoying processes that don’t need to be running while you’re gaming. With your CPU freed up from all of those unneeded processes, you’ll have a much better gaming experience.

The interface is as simple as can be, with a single button that you press to take care of it all. Of course you’ll need to make sure that you don’t have any important documents that need saved or anything, as it will shut those down without thinking twice. Important processes needed for Windows functionality won’t be touched, nor will things such as firewalls and antivirus software.

Advanced users will be able to go in and tweak various settings to gain even more performance from their system. The software is currently in beta form, and will only work with certain montherboard-CPU-GPU configurations. I’ll hopefully give this a test on my AMD rig later this weekend and let you know how it goes.


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