Posted by Raine Hutchens on Sep 8, 2010

Duke Nukem Is Coming Back, What You Need To Know

So I’ve waited a while before covering perhaps some of the biggest news in gaming this month, until now so I can cram as much as I can into this one post. So sit down, strap in, and get ready for a bombshell.

Here it goes.

Duke Nukem is back and ready to kick your motherloving teeth in.

Duke Nukem Forever, the game that you pre-ordered forever ago and everyone thought would never get finished, is actually being developed and is coming. The game has spent more than a decade in its developmental stages, and has had tens of millions of dollars thrown into the project. It is set to release in 2011, and has been taken over by a new developer, Gearbox – the same people who brought you Borderlands.

This weekend at PAX the game was very alive and very playable in a brief demo put on by the game’s new developers. This confirms single-handedly that Duke is back, ready to kick some rear, and take some names. He’s still cracking one-liners, smacking bubblegum, and using his guns to his advantage. The game is, of course, a first person shooter aimed at more of an adult audience. The storyline is the classic “aliens came to invade and the hero whipped them out of town” that Duke is familiar with.

The demo was extremely promising and very much a tease. It had is laughing, keeling over, and begging for more. The game is very much a FPS that includes toilet humor and adult-themed comedy. For fans of the Duke Nukem series this game will be everything you’ve been waiting for, and for first time players this game will be perfect to pick up and jump into some alien-blasting action.

We very much look forward to Duke Nukem Forever releasing next year, and we can’t wait. You can see more of a review of the demo here. Also, take a look below for a gameplay trailer. Keep your eyes peeled for this title, and give thanks to Gearbox Software for finally making the game we’ve been waiting for a reality.


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