Last week at Anime crossroads we got to meet some really awesome artists who put out some gaming/anime related pieces in the artist alley. Whether it be drawings, charms, necklaces, hats, bath fizzies, or t-shirts, there was a little of everything there and the artist who made them were sitting right behind the booth. Because I found this to be full of sauce that is awesome, it was decided to take pictures of these artists and their wears and give them a special featurette on the site. Everyone loves stuff, and especially stuff that is relevant to your interests.
Our first featurette is the artist Matt Foy with Quazo productions. Necklaces with the tri-force, Pokéball charms, cute fruit art, Headkips, and other crazy assortments of nifty things make this one interesting booth. If you are a fan of Pokémon, anime, or the random cute and funny, you should definitely check out this artwork. Snooping around I saw a few pages of a webcomic up on his DeviantArt page. Maybe if you pester him, there will be more? ;)
Below you’ll find but a small sampling of his work seen at the show. Enjoy, and be sure to check out his DeviantArt and Etsy pages!
This one is totally hanging up in our office!
[ DeviantArt ] [ Etsy ]