Alongside the release of Dead Space 2 on January 25th for the PS3 and Xbox 360, a version of the game will hit iOS devices, making them run red with dismemberment. Dead Space (as the game is aptly titled) follows the protagonist Vandal, chronicling the events that lead up to Dead Space 2. The iOS title doesn’t spoil any of the story in the sequel, so if you only purchase Dead Space 2 you won’t be missing out on much.
Except the opportunity to play the first excellent iOS game of 2011.
Dead Space for the iOS doesn’t make any sacrifices with its transition as we often see with console games that make it to the mobile platform. The eerie gameplay and gory graphics that we’re used to make a perfect move over to the iPhone/iPad.
The folks over at IGN got their hands on the latest version of the game, and have a full preview up on their site. To see the full preview, head over here.
The Dead Space iOS trailer is posted below, so be sure to lend an eye to it.
I don’t know about you, but I am excited for this game. It may be my most anticipated game on the device.