Posted by Raine Hutchens on Jan 18, 2011

Take A Look At The Black Ops New Map Pack

The new map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops, entitled First Strike, is due out February first on the Xbox 360. News whether it will releas on the PS3 and PC around then has not surfaced, but we’re keeping high hopes on that possibility. For 1,200 Microsoft Points (about $15), the pack will include four new multiplayer maps that feature zip-lines, auto-turrets, and collapsing ice bridges.

A brief description of each map was handed out on Kotaku, describing the twists added to the gameplay of Black Ops:

Kowloon: inspired by the Hong Kong mission found in the game’s single player campaign, was rebuilt specifically for multiplayer matches, according to Treyarch. The game is packed with layers of rooftops and hiding spots, and also includes a zip-line that will let you quickly sweep between spots on the map, but do so without access to your weapons.

Discovery: a map set in an antarctic research station, a station that happens to be evenly divided by a deep chasm. Fortunately there’s a single ice bridge connecting the sides, a bridge that can be collapsed.

Berlin Wall: take players into East and West Berlin, and includes a No Man’s Land loaded with auto turrets.

Stadium: a close quarters map with plenty of places to run around and hide in.

No details about the new zombie map have been given yet, but we will keep an open eye for any information that surfaces.


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