I consider myself a gaming enthusiast, and for quite some time I have had an issue with finding the right equipment to use when recording console gameplay. Roxio must have heard my plea, as they have just introduced new technology that will record not only console gameplay, but PC gameplay as well.
The device will cost $99 for console capture, and $49 for the PC capture, which makes it rather affordable when compared to other devices out there. The console capture handles resolutions up to 480p while the PC capture can handle capture “in HD at full screen.”
Both devices come with full software for editing video, complete with fades, swipes, fonts, and many of the other effects video editors look for. There’s also a great feature that allows users to directly upload their videos to Youtube.
The console kit will be available on March 24th, and the PC capture device will hit during the second quarter of this year. Roxio may have just answered our prayers on this one.