Namco Bandai has just announced the release date for the upcoming Ace Combat: Assault Horizon title. Players will be able to take their seat in the cockpit on Onctober 11th this year. The newest title in the Ace Combat series will launch on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.
Namco informs us that Ace Combat: assault Horizon brings a new style of intense action to the table, the likes of which has been unseen before. New aerial acrobatics, deployable counter-measures, and new destructive features will make their appearance with the flying combat title when it releases later this fall. Players will be able to see buildings shatter and aircraft getting maimed right in front of their eyes with Assault Horizon, which makes me look forward to seeing the game in action.
I am not a huge fan of aerial combat titles, nor am I a fan of any Navy-type video games. I do rather enjoy the Ace Combat series, however, mostly because the games within have a sense of difference that sets them apart from others. The story lines are always so unique, and the gameplay is always top-notch. I can only hope you players out there can be as excited for this title as I am. Look for it on store shelves this October.