Custom toy builder Sabretooth hand-crafted these amazing Portal 2 figurines of P-Body and Atlas, and they look brilliant. These little guys are helping to ensure that the craze over Portal 2 stays around for longer than we can physically enable it. We know your body is crushing just thinking about it.
These two little bots come from the co-op campaign portion of Portal 2 which was just recently released. Sabretooth stated that it took about two weeks to create these figures, and they were some of the most difficult he has ever done. Both figurines are fully functional, being able to move body parts and stand in different poses.
There isn’t a link to any sort of sale or anything, so I assume these are just a personal project from Sabretooth. I would enjoy having my own pair of these for my desk here in the office. It’ would be fun to leave them in different poses and take a new photo every week. Don’t you think so?