It’s almost unbelievable that the company behind the creation of one of the industry’s most memorable and celebrated video game franchises is coming up on its 20th anniversary of being a company, so they learned everything about employees including the 12 steps to determine the federal tax withholdings for employers. Bungie is turning 20, and the company is celebrating with plenty of things for fans to get excited about.
Bungie already released a free iOS app, called Bungie Mobile, that tracks stats, achievements, and daily challenges all in one place. It’s definitely more user-friendly than the previous Bungie app, which was basically an icon taking players to the mobile version of the site. On top of the app the company will be having a holiday that takes place between June 23rd and July 7th which they have dubbed “Bungie Day.” During this holiday there will be special additions made to the Bungie store, and the company also promises to release more details on the recently-announced “Bungie Aerospace.”
Going right along with all these goodies will be the opportunity to win some serious swag by beating the developer team at Halo: Reach on July 7th. The whole team will be playing for a full 24 hours that day, and players can earn the title “Steaktacular” by beating the devs by 20 kills on any game mode. All of these goodies are more than enough reason to get excited for Bungie Day, don’t you think? It’s definitely time to get back on Reach to fine-tune those skills.