Posted by Raine Hutchens on Jul 28, 2011

A Dead Island Novel Is Shambling Our Way

A company by the name of Bantam will be publishing a special novel that will chronicle the events of the upcoming zombie-slashing title Dead Island. The novel will be written by Mark Morris, who just so happens to be a successful horror writer. He’s wrote some novels featuring Doctor Who and Torchwood as well, which have all went over pretty well.

Right now it’s announced that the novel will launch right alongside the game, which will make it that much harder to keep what money you have left in your pockets. I am honestly hoping that Deep Silver goes and does something totally awesome and announces a new special edition of the game that includes a copy of the novel. Now that would just be spiffy.

I look forward to checking this novel out, and I am surely getting a copy as soon as it releases. Apparently the novel will give readers “a terrifying glimpse into the horrors thrust upon the four individuals who have unwittingly embarked upon the ultimate holiday from Hell.” This sounds interesting, don’t you agree?


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