Posted by Caitlyn Muncy on Aug 9, 2011

Baby Monkey (Going Backwards On A Pig): The Game

There are very few games for iOS devices that will actually grab my attention. More often than not, they must be ridiculously good, or so adorable that I can hardly stand it. Thanks to Parry Gripp; a singer/songwriter who makes exceedingly catchy little tunes, a game has been created that will get a song stuck in your head for the rest of your life.

This is a fairly straightforward game based off of the YouTube video that corresponds with the song. The title sort of explains what the game is about, but I bet you didn’t expect unicorns, hamsters, and cacti to be in your path! You are a both the baby monkey and the pig who is very unhappy about this endeavor, and must choose wisely when each character jumps.

It is just an app game, but it looks really cute and a measurable amount of fun. Thankfully it is really cheap at $0.99, so if all else, you’re paying for the catchy tune that will likely play in the background.


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