For those of you who remember, a team of fans a while back made a fan video about the most-favored FPS/RPG Fallout from Bethesda. The video was entitled, “Fallout: Nuka Break,” and it hit a huge score with fans of the game worldwide. The group is now back, and better than ever.
A short while after making the original video, the team at Wayside Creations started a donation to help them raise money, as they wanted to turn the idea into a series. That dream has become a reality, and thanks to a gaming community at large the team raised enough money to be able to support their creation and turn it into an episodic format. The first episode can be seen below.
It’s great to know that a team of gamers can come together and make something like this happen. It’s all derived from determination and passion, all for the same idea. Fallout has spawned a lot of creations, be them live-action, props, gaming mods, or artwork. Check out the video below and tell us what you think. Are you looking forward to seeing this series?