Posted by Raine Hutchens on Aug 23, 2011

Penny Arcade’s ‘Decide-o-tron’ App Helps Us Make Up Our Minds

Next month, Penny Arcade will release the “Decide-o-tron” app for the iOS. This new app will solve the age old question that has been plaguing gamers since the dawn of the Atari: “What game should I buy?”

The app allows users to input their gaming preferences, and then the app’s predictive technology takes over. This information is compared to a massive library of 45 million data points from more than 10,000 games. Recommendations are then presented to the user, allowing them to make their decisions a lot easier. In addition to the Decide-o-tron’s recommendations, the app will also provide “play lists” from notorious online and gaming personalities, beginning with Penny Arcade’s own Mike “Gabe” Krahulik and Jerry “Tycho” Holkins.

The app sounds like a cool idea, and it may very well solve this issue many of us have. If we can leave the house with a decision already made, it will be much easier to get back and game. We’ll have more on the Decide-o-tron when it releases next month.

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