Cardboard cutouts for game releases are always cool, but generally end up having countless fans ask the game store employees “what are you going to do with that” or “can I have that”. More times than not they generally are given to a happens-to-be-there-at-the-right-time fan. These on the other hand, are no cardboard cutouts.
Bethesda has one upped the competition my commissioning the creation of an army of Dragonborn statues. The statues look to be at least six feet tall and a have bronze-esq finish. From the picture they look very well constructed. I honestly have nothing negative to say about the ominous army of statues, it slightly reminds me of the terracotta soldiers.
This is just one more reason that I believe Skyrim will be a great game, I mean if you made a game would have put that much money and work into publicity if you were not sure the game was gold? If you did it would be bad business. Skyrim has a lot to offer, and I’m hoping a raffle of some of these statues is included.