Wearable video game items like Mjolnir (master chief) armor shirts, Medpack Hoodies, and lancer belt buckles have always been big hits. So now thanks to J!NX, Long Fall Boot socks from portal 2 are here.
You may not be able to safely fall from in them but they sure look the part (as much as a sock can that is). Most gamers know what the Long Fall Boots are from portal 2. If not you should really play one of the Portal titles, great series. J!NX has now come out with Officially licensed Portal 2 Socks.
I Absolutely love video game clothing that goes beyond t-shirts and logo hoodies. It is just so much more original. Make sure to pick up your Minecraft sock to get the videogame footwear collection started. Then put on an orange Snuggie, get your Portal 2 Socks and hope for a Portal gun plushie and you’ll be ready to escape Aperture labs… or at least your couch.