Video games are often used in movies and television to convey a message, but they tend to be just a quick clip and more times than not the characters are holding the wrong type of controller. To most people especially non gamers the reference goes un noticed and falls flat.
Recently however Breaking Bad featured Bethesda’s game Rage, there is roughly a minute of actual gameplay shown. In the show they have Jesse, played by Aaron Paul running through a mission using a light gun (which is not possible, it is just there to artistically convey a point). What really surprised me is when he fails the mission; it displays the games name on screen (not something you see often).
I have only caught a few episodes of Breaking Bad, but I have liked what I see every time. As for Rage, it is one bloody game and kind of fits with where I hear the show is going. Make sure to watch the clip, it’s great for Breaking Bad and Rage fans alike.