Posted by Caitlyn Muncy on Sep 12, 2011

Rock of Ages Now On Steam

Atlus is unfailing in bringing us games that are worthwhile and educational. That’s why I was overjoyed to hear that the glory that is Rock of Ages is currently available on Steam for only $10.

If you have never heard of this game, then be amazed by it’s platform/action/tower-defense-y goodness. You are a giant rock that basically careens through decades of art history destroying all that is in your path. The in-game artwork is odd at best, but it is definitely an interesting looking game.

It sort of reminds me of a cross between Katamari damacy and Paper Mario. It looks like there is a lot of humor involved, which is always a plus. The video below will give you an idea of how the game looks and plays, and then you should run on over to steam and buy it here because it is awesome.


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